Subscription terms and conditions
Monthly subscriptions on Cars Région Savoie network, reminder of its delivery conditions and control.
Monthly subscription:
The Cars Région Savoie monthly subscription gives access to the bus line selected during the purchase.
Its prices list is different depending on the bus line.
A subscription is for all users. It is valid from the first to the last day of each month. Using the bus network with a subscription from the previous month is tolerated within the first 3 days of the month. You can purchase your subscription from the 25th of the previous month to the 24th of the current month.
It isn’t possible to modify the month of your subscription, neither the bus line. The subscription can’t be refunded.
On bus lines S61, S62, S63, S64, S65, S66, S70, S71, S72, S80, S81, S82, S83, S30, S40, S41, S50, S51, S52, S53, the subscription can be bought on For the subscription to be valid, your card must have your picture on it.
On bus lines S01, S02, S03, S04, S06, S07, the subscription must be loaded on a valid OùRA! Card. The OùRA! Card can be loaded at the Chambéry’s bus station or on the website.
The monthly subscription is different from the Savoie Pass.